Maps Showing Wiss Building Property: 1889-1926

671-665 Broad St, Newark, NJ.
The building is still decades away. In these maps Broad St is along the bottom.

1868. Source map Vanduyne & Shermans Newark Atlas, Plate 16
1873. Source map: Newark Atlas, Second Ward.
1889. Source map: Newark Atlas, Plate 3.

1901 Map. We now have Broad St. along the right. The building is still ten years away. Someone in pencil x'd over the three buildings that will be razed. Source map: Newark Atlas, Plate 8.


1911 Map. The building has just appeared. Behind the building is 22 W. Park St. In 1939 this was bought and the Wiss Store opened a large gift shop. [But newspaper incorrectly has 32 as the street number, and has the building as 32' wide. The map shows 30' frontage.] Source map: Newark Atlas, Plate 6.


1926 Map. Building is Block 51, Lot 59. Source map: Newark Atlas, Plate 10.
