Käse's Rundfahrten: 1926

While traveling around Europe the group visited Germany. While there they took an open bus tour around Berlin, or to Potsdam. Frederick C.J. Wiss is standing in the middle looking straight towards the camera. The route can be seen in the map below, though the map is from a later date. [It lists a street called - Hermann Göring Strasse - which wasn't given that name until 1935, at least according to Wikipedia. In 1930, it was given the name, Friedr. Ebert Strasse, after Friedrich Ebert, the Weimar's first President. In 1926, it would have been called "Budapester Strasse."] Brochure from eBay. [When open brochure is approx. 23-5/8" × 9-1/2".] Click on web-sized pictures to get full-sized ones.


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