Wiss Talks To Resume:
500 Employes Striking Scissor Firm in Wage Dispute

The Newark Sunday News, October 3, 1965

1965-10-03 Wiss Talks To Resume

Negotiations between management and striking employes of the J. Wiss & Sons Co., scissors and shears manufacturers, will resume Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the State Mediation Board offices at 1100 Raymond Blvd.

Five hundred hourly employes struck the firm's plants in Newark and Maplewood Friday morning is a dispute over wages and other fringe benefits.

Richard R. Wiss, company president, said he had offered an 11-cent hourly hike in the first year with two additional increases over the next two years until a 24-cent hourly raise was reached.

Anthony Cesaro, president of Local 325, Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Workers, AFL-CIO, to which the employes belong, disputed Wiss' contention. Cesaro said that the company president offered only a seven-cent raise in the first year with seven and six-cent raises in the two succeeding years.

The company's present contract with the union expired Thursday night.